Friday, September 16, 2011

10 of MMA's Awesomely Awesome Motivator Pictures

So when you go to the doctor's office, do you ever notice those pictures the secretary has hanging on the wall of a cat hanging from a tree with the caption, "Hang in there!"?

Of course you have, but why is it there?

Odds are she probably hates her job, hates the fact she's making $9 an hour while the doctor is making hundreds of thousands, hates that her teenage daughter who used to love her now hates her guts and she's hitting midlife crisis.

But seeing that cute little kitty hanging on, against all odds, enables her to will herself through the day.

In my home office, I have 16 pictures of cute little kittens hanging from various objects all surrounding my poster of Lil Wayne's mugshot. Somehow, the kittens make Wheezy F Baby seem not so ugly.

But oddly enough, I have no MMA motivators.

You know why? Because they can't be found anywhere.

Since MMA motivators are not available at your local print store just yet, here I give you 10 MMA motivator pictures to tie you over until they are mass-produced.

Begin Slideshow


Ed Herman Heath Herring Branden Lee Hinkle Sam Hoger

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